PARTNER Success Story
Looking To Overcome Learning Loss In Your District?

Pulaski County Schools & K12 Tutoring Succeed Together

Over 850 Pulaski students in grades 3-8 completed approximately 4,000 sessions over a four-month period this school year.
Pulaski County’s collaboration with K12 Tutoring to recover lost
learning sparked a transformation: from 40 to 80 in benchmark

By Using K12 Tutoring For Schools, They Saw:
A 40-point percentile ranking increase in
3rd grade math.
A 39-point percentile ranking increase in
6th grade English.
A 30-point percentile ranking increase in
3rd grade English.
An 18-point percentile ranking increase for English students in grades 3-8.
A 13-point percentile ranking increase for math students in grades 3-8.
High-Dosage Tutoring
High-Dosage Tutoring: A Proven Method

The research is clear: high-dosage tutoring is proven to be the most effective intervention for overcoming learning loss and can improve test scores and grades.
K12 Tutoring For Schools is proven to be an effective intervention for overcoming learning loss and can improve test scores and grades.

We’re Here To Help.
If you have more questions, you can reach us directly via the Contact Us form.
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Learn More About Our Pilot Program

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One of our representatives will be in contact with you shortly. Don’t want to wait? Check the
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fits within your schedule.